Weekly Notes - 31st December 2021

Wishing all our followers a very Happy New Year. Thank you for following our research journey during 2021 and best wishes for 2022. Here's hoping for a more normal year, whatever that might look like . We look forward to sharing more results and our plans for the new farm systems comparison in 2022.

Key decisions:

- all herds pushed out to a 30+ day rotation but utilising the new grass paddocks to give a few more days for old pastures to reach the required pre-graze mass

- Std and LI Kale cows are being offered 15 kg DM pasture and 3 kg of a PKE: barley blend in the dairy

- now offering the Std FB 1 kg DM PKE in the dairy, 17 kg DM pasture topped up with baleage as required

- LI FB herd is currently on all pasture but will be topped up with baleage as required

- No N fertiliser is to be applied in the next week due to low soil moisture and no significant rain in the forecast.

- bull matings continue to be recorded weekly with x17 Std Kale, x8 LI Kale, x7 Std FB and x2 LI FB cows being recorded this week

- the Std FB pdk stepped over for conservation last week has been brought back into rotation & will be pre-graze mown

- Italian pdks for wintering have been grazed by the herds rather than conserving for baleage and having to feed more supplement to the milkers to lengthen the rotation

- last new grass paddocks & x2 fodder beet pdks sprayed for weeds

- all crop pdks sprayed for pests

- hawks to be put out in one crop paddock to try and keep the ducks off it

- the first lot of winter baleage arrived on the farm

Click the link below to see this report on our Facebook page