Research Information

At SDH we are primarily carrying out multi-year farm system evaluations.  From this platform we can do a lot of additional short term or small trials on specific items too.

The farm is run as four distinct farmlets where each farmlet has it's own paddocks and cows which won't change within the season OR between years of the 2-4 year trial.  The cows are split evenly at the start, as are the paddocks so that our farm map looks like a four coloured patchwork quilt to give all cows even access to soil type, contour, walking distance and paddock history.

We set some really strict rules for how each of our four farmlets can operate, and then we measure any and all differences that occur throughout a normal farming system.  This includes looking at cow performance, reproduction, financial comparisons, environmental footprint, manageability and people requirements of the system and many more elements.

View our Projects

February 2024 Update: - Next Farm System Trial: Off Paddock Infrastructure v paddock based wintering, and lower nutrient losses 

Comparing relative farm performance including, Profit, Animals and Environmental measures when farms have different wintering, or different pasture nitrogen application rates

Current Farm system trial: Wintering systems Bale, vs Beet, vs Swede and Standard vs Lower Nutrient loss

Comparing relative farm performance including, Profit, Animals and Environmental measures when farms have different wintering, or different pasture nitrogen application rates

Current Forage Trial – Plantain Evaluation System

Trialling Plantain Evaluation System to compare different cultivars for effectiveness in reducing nitrate leaching

Recently Updated - Are catch crops an effective mitigation for nitrate leaching in Southland?

Catch crops are fast-growing short-term species (e.g. oats, Italian ryegrass) that establish quickly and utilise soil N in winter-early spring, used primarily to reduce nitrate leaching.
Research in Canterbury has shown that catch crops following winter forage crops work well, reducing N leaching from urine patches by up to 50%. But what about Southland? 

Cumulative effects of fodder beet - SFF Making fodder beet sustainable

Longer term study looking at the impacts of Fodder beet on animals, and potential solutions.

4 Year Farm System comparison; Kale vs Fodder Beet and Standard vs Lower Nutrient loss

Comparing relative farm performance including, Profit, Animals and Environmental measures when farms have different wintering, or different pasture nitrogen application rates

Weather and soil effects on animal behaviour

Monitoring cows on winter crops to measure lying times in good and bad weather

Effect of crop type on calf size and traits

Fodder beet vs kale wintering of pregnant cows – resulting impacts on calf stature (size) and bone density.

Nitrate leaching from winter forage crops and SDH farm systems

Measured differences in nitrate leaching under winter crops – Kale vs Beet

SFF Participatory research

Comparing SDH farms to four regional farmers, and looking at changes to environmental footprints from farm modelling changes including Greenhouse Gas

Crop type & allocation effect on behaviour & lactation performance

Milk production in Spring after different rates of different crops fed over winter

Demonstration project - Changing Crop establishment for better wintering outcomes

Comparison of conventional vs minimum tillage crop establishment, and any impacts on soil or animals

Feeding behaviour of R1 heifers on fodder beet or kale

Measuring growth rate of calves on kale vs fodderbeet and assessing differences intime spent ruminating.

Forage value index validation

Interaction between genetic merit potential of perennial ryegrass cultivars and nitrogen fertiliser in a pastoral grazing system

Catch crops for cleaner water - Lysimeter trial

Measuring ground water leaching under column lysimeters, under winter sown catch crops sown at different dates

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