Fortnightly Summary 27 July 2023

It is really starting to feel like spring πŸ€ on the farm with 7 cows already in milk and 200 cows across three springer mobs. By next week we will be down to one mob of cows on fodder beet with the rest either in springer mobs or on baleage & grass. 

Body condition score is looking good with only 7 of the 735 animals on farm below BCS 5. The only major disappointment on the BCS front is that only up to 30% of the R3's are at BCS 5.5. 

Pasture growth has picked up over the last 2 weeks, most likely due to soil temperatures around 7 C. As a result, average pasture cover is above our spring target. Our biggest challenge is going to be grazing out the paddocks that are around 3500 kg DM cover if conditions are wet. 

Last week we welcomed Andrea Dixon into the General manager role and next week our new herd manager starts. This means we are heading into calving with a full complement of staff 🀩.